Publication 2021
Last Modified: Jan. 22, 2022.
T. Sasao,
"Survey of Research Projects Conducted by Sasao's Group," (FY2013-FY2020),
T. Sasao, "On the number of variables to represent classification functions using linear decompositions,"
The 23rd Workshop on Synthesis And System Integration of Mixed Information Technologies (SASIMI 2021), March 29-30, 2021.(Virtual workshop).
T. Sasao, and J. T. Butler, "Linear Decompositions for multi-valued input classification functions,"
International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, (ISMVL-2021). May 2021, pp.19-25.
T. Sasao, Y. Horikawa, and Y. Iguchi,
"A design method for multiclass classifiers,"
International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, (ISMVL-2021). May 2021, pp.148-153.
S. Nagayama, T. Sasao and J. T. Butler,
"Improvement in the quality of solutions of a heuristic linear decomposer for index generation functions,"
International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, (ISMVL-2021). May 2021, pp. 13-18.
T. Sasao and J. T. Butler, "Fast literal transformations for symmetric functions,"
RM Workshop, (RM2021), Online, May 28, 2021.
T. Fujita, T. Sasao and Y. Iguchi,
"An improved SAT-based ESOP minimizer: A list of simplified ESOPs for 8-variable symmetric functions,"
RM Workshop, (RM2021), Online, May 28, 2021.
T. Sasao, ``On a design of multi-layer LUT network,''
International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis, Online, July 19-21, 2021.
T. Sasao, T.Matsubara, K. Tsuji and Y. Koga,
"On a realization of multi-terminal universal interconnection networks using contact switches,"
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E104-D, No. 8, Aug.2021, pp.1068-1075.
T. Sasao, Y. Horikawa, and Y. Iguchi,
"Classification functions for handwritten digit recognition,"
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E104-D, No.8 ,Aug. 2021, pp.1076-1082.