Publication 2001
- T. Sasao and J. T. Butler, "On the minimization of SOPs for
bi-decomposable functions, "
Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC'2001),
Jan. 30-Feb. 2, 2001, Yokohama, Japan, pp.219-224.
- T. Sasao,"Compact SOP representations for multiple-output functions:
An encoding method using multiple-valued logic,"
31th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Warsaw, Poland,
May 22-24, 2001, pp.207-212.
- T. Sasao, M. Matsuura, and Y. Iguchi,
"A cascade realization of multiple-output function for reconfigurable hardware,"
International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS01),
Lake Tahoe, CA, June 12-15, 2001. pp.225-230.
- M. Matsuura and T. Sasao,
"Representation of incompletely specified switching functions using
pseudo-Kronecker decision diagrams,"
International Workshop on Applications of the Reed Muller Expansion
in Circuit Design (Reed-Muller 2001), Starkville, Mississippi, U.S.A,
August 10-11, 2001, pp. pp.27-33.
- Y. Iguchi, T. Sasao, and M. Matsuura ,
"Realization of multiple-output functions by reconfigurable cascades, "
International Conference on Computer Design :VLSI in Computers & Processors
(ICCD-2001), Austin, TX, Sept. 23-26, 2001. pp. 388-393.
- T. Sasao and J. T. Butler, "Worst and best irredundant sum-of-products
expressions, " IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 50, No. 9, Sept. 2001,
pp. 935-948.PDF
- R.S. Stankovic and T. Sasao,
"A discussion on the history of research in arithmetic and Reed-Muller expressions,"
IEEE Transactions on CAD, Vol. 20, No.9, Sept. 2001, pp. 1177-1179.
- M. Matsuura and T. Sasao, J.T. Butler, and Y. Iguchi,
"Bi-partition of shared binary decision diagrams,"
Workshop on Synthesis And System Integration of MIxed Technologies
(SASIMI-2001), Nara, Japan, Oct. 18-19, 2001, pp.172-177..
- T. Sasao, M. Matsuura, Y. Iguchi, and S. Nagayama,
"Compact BDD representations for multiple-output functions and
their applications to embedded system,"
IFIP VLSI-SOC'01, Montpellier, France, December 3-5, 2001, pp. 406-411.
- S. Hassoun and T. Sasao (eds.), Logic Synthesis and Verification,
Kluwer Publishers, (2001-10).