Publication 1975-1992
- T. Sasao and P. Besslich, "On the complexity of MOD-2 Sum PLA's,"
IEEE Trans. on Comput. Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 262-266, Feb. 1990.
- T. Sasao, "Bounds on the average number of products in the minimum
sum-of-products expressions for multiple-valued input two-valued
output functions," IEEE Trans. on Comput. Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 645-651
May 1991.
- T. Sasao," EXMIN: A simplification algorithm for exclusive-or
sum-of-products expressions for multiple-valued input two-valued
output functions," Proceeding of the 20th International Symposium
on Multiple-Valued Logic, Charlotte, North Carolina, pp. 128-135, May 1990.
- T. Sasao, "A transformation of multiple-valued input two-valued
output functions and its application to simplification of
exclusive-or sum-of-products expressions," ISMVL-91, May 1991, pp. 270-279.
- T. Sasao, "Optimization of multiple-valued AND-EXOR expressions
using multiple-place decision diagrams," ISMVL-92, May 1992, pp. 451-458.
- T. Sasao, "On the complexity of some classes of AND-EXOR expressions,"
IEICE, Technical Report, FTS91-35, Oct. 8, 1991 (not reveiwed),
Also, published at Kyoto Univeristy Research Information Respository,
- T. Sasao, "Multiple-valued decomposition of generalized Boolean
functions and the complexity of programmable logic arrays,"
IEEE Trans. on Comput. Vol. C-30, No. 9, pp. 635-643, Sept. 1981.
- T. Sasao, "Input variable assignment and output phase optimization
of PLA's," IEEE Trans. on Comput. Vol. C-33, No. 10, pp. 879-894,
Oct. 1984.
- T. Sasao, "An algorithm to derive the complement of a binary
function with multiple-valued inputs," IEEE Trans. on Comput.
Vol. C-34, No. 2, pp. 131-140, Feb. 1985.
- T. Sasao," Multiple-valued logic and optimization of programmable
logic arrays," IEEE Computer, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 71-80, April 1988.
- T. Sasao, "On the optimal design of multiple-valued PLA's,"
IEEE Trans. on Comput. Vol. 38. No. 4, pp. 582-592, April 1989.
- T. Sasao, "MACDAS: Multi-level AND-OR circuit synthesis using
two-variable function generators," 23rd ACM/IEEE Design Automation
Conference, Las Vegas, pp. 86-93, June 1986.
- T. Sasao, "Application of multiple-valued logic to a serial
decomposition of PLA's," Proceedings of the 19th International
Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Gangzou, China, pp. 264-271,
May 1989.
- T. Sasao, " HART: A hardware for logic minimization and verification,"
International Conference on Computer Desigh: VLSI in Computer,
Oct.7-10, 1985, Port Chester, NY, USA, pp. 713-718.
- T. Sasao and H. Terada, "On the complexity of shallow logic functions
and the estimation of programmable logic array size,"
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Multiple-
Valued Logic, Evanston, Illinois, pp. 65-73, June 1980.
- T. Sasao, "An application of multiple-valued logic to a design
of masterslice gate array LSI," Proceedings of the 12th
International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Paris, pp. 45-54,
May 1982.
- T. Sasao, "A fast complementation algorithm for sum-of-products
expressions of multiple-valued input binary functions,"
Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Multiple-
Valued Logic, Kyoto, pp. 103-110, May 1983.
- T. Sasao, "Tautology checking algorithm for multiple-valued
input binary functions and their application," Proceedings of the
14th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, pp. 242-250, May 1984.
- T. Sasao, "On the optimal design of multiple-valued PLA's," Proceedings of
the 16th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic,
Blacksburg, Virginia, pp. 214-223, May 1986.
- T. Sasao, "Bounds on the average number of products in the minimal
sum-of-products expressions for multiple-valued input two-valued
output functions," Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium
on Multiple-Valued Logic, Boston, pp. 260-267, May 1987.
- T. Sasao, "Application of multiple-valued logic to a serial
decomposition of PLA's," Proceedings of the 19th International
Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Gangzou, China, pp. 264-271,
May 1989.
- H. Fujiwara, Y. Nagao, T. Sasao and K. Kinoshita,
"Easily testable sequential machine with extra inputs," IEEE
Trans. on Comput., vol. C-24, No. 8, pp. 821-826, Aug. 1975.
- K. Kinoshita T. Sasao, and J. Matsuda, "On magnetic bubble logic
circuits," IEEE Trans. on Comput. Vol. C-27, No.3, pp. 247-253,
March 1976.
- T. Sasao and K. Kinoshita, "Cascade realization of 3-input 3-output
conservative logic circuits," IEEE Trans. on Comput. Vol. C-27,
No.3, pp. 214-221, March 1978.
- T. Sasao and K. Kinoshita, "Realization of minimum circuits
with two-input conservative logic elements," IEEE Trans. on Comput.
Vol. C-27, No. 8, pp. 749-752, Aug. 1978.
- T. Sasao and K. Kinoshita," On the number of fanout-free functions
and unate cascade functions," IEEE Trans. on Comput. vol. C-28,
No. 1, pp. 66-72, Jan. 1979.
- T. Sasao and K. Kinoshita," Conservative logic elements and their
universality," IEEE Trans. on Comput. vol. C-28, No. 9, pp. 682-685,
Sept. 1979.
- T. Sasao and K. Kinoshita, "Cascade realization of 3-input 3-output
conservative logic elements --- Application of three-valued logic
to two-valued logic----",Proceeding of the 6th International
Symposium on Multiple-valued Logic, Utah, p.625, May 1976.
- T. Sasao, "An application of multiple-valued logic to a design
of programmable logic arrays," Proceedings of the 8th International
Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Rosemont, Illinois, pp. 65-72,
May 1978.
- T. Sasao and H. Terada, "Multiple-valued logic and the design of
programmable logic arrays with decoders," Proceedings of the
9th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Bath,
England, pp. 27-37, May 1979.