Elementary Logic Design (April 2000)
- Authored by Tsutomu Sasao
- Published by Hinata Technology Co.
- Produced by Nikkei Eizo Co.
- Price 180,000 yen
Logic functions and their representation (61 slides: 50 minutes)
- Logic elements and logic symbols
- Boolean algebra and logic function
- Sum-of-products expression and product-of-sums expression
- Shannon expansion
- Reed-Muller canonical expression
- Multilevel logic network
- Analysis of combinational logic networks
- Exercises
Optimization of two-level logic networks (57 slide: 50 minutes)
- Sum-of-products expression and product-of-sums expression
- Hyper cube
- Karnaugh map
- Prime implicant, minimal sum-of-products expression
- Simplification using Karnaugh maps
- Applications of minimum sum-of-products expressions
- Simplification of multiple-output functions
- Exercises
Synchronous sequential circuits (74 slides: 50 minutes)
- Introduction to sequential networks
- Flip-flops
- Realization of sequential networks
- State assignment
- Exercises
Design of an automatic vending machine (39 slides: 30 minutes)
- Specification of automatic vending machine
- State diagram/ state table
- Using SR flip-flops
- Using D flip-flops
- Exercises
Analysis of sequential networks (17 slides: 8 minutes)
Functional circuit (76 slides: 60 minutes)
- Principle of addition
- Half adder and full adder
- Adder
- Eecoder and encoder
- Multiplexer and de-multiplexer
- Shift register
- Exercises
Transient analysis of combinational logic networks (21 slides: 15 minutes)
- Delay
- Hazard
- Elimination of hazards
- Exercises
Answers to the exercises (83 Slides 70 minutes)
- Analysis of contact networks
- Proof of equivalence of logical expressions
- Analysis of combinational networks
- Proof on Boole equations
- Derivation of minimum sum-of-products expressions
- Derivation of all the prime implicants
- Minimization of expressions using don't cares
- Realization of AND-OR/OR-AND two-level networks
- State diagram of a counter
- Design of a counter
- Design of an automatic vending machine using JKFF
- Analysis of sequential networks
- Realization of full adder
- Synthesis of multiplexer
- Synthesis of de-multiplexer
- Synthesis of subtractor
- Elimination of hazards