
Last Modified: June 28, 2023

Sasao's photo


‚P‚X‚X‚R”N        @@@‹γBH‹Ζ‘εŠwEξ•ρHŠw•”E“dŽqξ•ρHŠw‰Θ‹³Žφ
‚Q‚O‚P‚R”N            @‹γBH‹Ζ‘εŠw–Ό—_‹³Žφ

  T. Sasao (ed.)  "Logic Synthesis and Optimization," 
  Kluwer Academic Publishers 1993.
  T. Sasao and M. Fujita (ed.)"Representation of Discrete Functions,"
  Kluwer Academic Publishers 1996.
  T. Sasao,"Switching Theory for Logic Synthesis," 
  Kluwer Academic Publishers 1999.
  S. Hassoun and T. Sasao,"Logic Synthesis and Verification," 
  Kluwer Academic Publishers 2002.
  T. Sasao and J. T. Butler, "Progress in Applications of Boolean Functions,"
  Morgan & Claypool Publishers, Jan. 2010. pp.1-153.
  T. Sasao, "Memory-Based Logic Synthesis," Springer, March 2011.
  T. Sasao and J. T. Butler, "Applications of Zero-Suppressed Decision Diagrams,"
  Morgan & Claypool Publishers, Nov. 2014. pp.1-101.
  T. Sasao, "Index Generation Functions,"
  Morgan & Claypool Publishers, Oct. 2019. pp.1-163.
  T. Sasao, "Classification Functions for Machine Learning and Data Mining,"
  Springer Nature, July 2023.

@‚P‚X‚W‚V”N  Distinguished Contribution Award, IEEE Computer Society, MVL-TC (ISMVL-1986)
  ‚P‚X‚X‚S”N  IEEE Fellow
  ‚P‚X‚X‚U”N  Distinctive Contributed Paper Award, IEEE Computer Society@(ISMVL-1995)
  ‚Q‚O‚O‚P”N  •“cŒ€‹†§—γάEΕ—DGŒ€‹†ά
@‚Q‚O‚O‚S”N  Distinctive Contributed Paper Award, IEEE Computer Society@iISMVL-2003)
@‚Q‚O‚O‚T”N  Distinctive Contributed Paper Award, IEEE Computer Society   (ISMVL-2004)
  ‚Q‚O‚P‚O”N@1st Place, Design Contest, 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Codesign (MEMOCODE-2010), 
  ‚Q‚O‚P‚O”N@Outstanding Paper Award (SASIMI 2010)
  ‚Q‚O‚P‚P”N@Outstanding Paper Award, IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology
  ‚Q‚O‚P‚R”N@Outsanding Contributed Paper Award, IEEE Computer Society   (ISMVL-2012)
  ‚Q‚O‚P‚R”N@Outstanding Paper Award (SASIMI 2013)
  ‚Q‚O‚P‚U”N  IEEE Life Fellow
@‚Q‚O‚Q‚O”N  Outstanding Contributed Paper Award, IEEE Computer Society   (ISMVL-2019)
