How to go to ISMVL-98 site from Tenjin

                                            Tsutomu Sasao

How to use the Bus:

A: Using coin.
1) Check the route number and destination, indicated on the
  upper front panel of the bus before boarding.
2) Board thorough the side door (people exit by the front door
   and in by the side door) and take the small ticket
  (seiri-ken) from the automatic dispenser just inside the
  door. The number printed on the ticket indicates the region
  at which your boarded.
3) When the driver announces your stop, push the "stop" 
  button and proceed to the front of the bus.
4) Determine your fare by matching the number on your 
  seiri-ken with the same number on the fare display panel
  at the front of the bus.  As you get off, drop your
  numbered ticket and the fare into the fare collection box
  next to the driver.

5) If you do not have the correct change, a money exchange machine
  is near the driver. Simply insert the money into the appropriate slot.
 The machine will accept  \50, \100, \500 coins and \1000 notes.

 Fare between Tenjin and Ishi-Kaikan mae (SRP) is \200.

B: Using Prepaid card.
1)Buy prepaid card from the driver or automatic vending machine.
  They sell \1000, \3000 and \5000 prepaid card.
2)When boarding:
  Insert the card in the slot in the rear door.
  You need take the ticket (seiri-ken).
3)When getting off:
  Insert the card in the slot next to the driver.
Nearest bus stop:
The buses to SRP(ISHI-KAIKAN) will stop at NANOTSU-GUCHI Bus stop.

Buses that go to SRP (every few minutes).
