Publication 2013
Last Modified: March 08, 2024.
H. Nakahara, T. Sasao and M. Matsuura,
"An architecture for IPv6 lookup using parallel index generation units,"
The 9th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC2013),
March 25-27, 2013. Los Angeles.
Also, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7806, 2013, pp. 59-71.
J. T. Butler and T. Sasao,
"Hardware index to set partition converter,"
The 9th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC2013),
March 25-27, 2013. Los Angeles.
Also, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7806, 2013, pp. 72-83.
T. Sasao, "Four decades of multi-valued logic: Lists of highly cited papers,"
International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL-2013), Toyama, Japan,
May 21-24, 2013, pp.198-202.
T. Sasao, "An application of autocorrelation functions to find linear decompositions for
incompletely specified index generation functions,"
International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL-2013), Toyama, Japan, May 21-24, 2013,
S. Nagayama, T. Sasao, and J. T. Butler, "Minimization of the number of edges in an EVMDD by variable grouping for fast analysis of multi-state systems,"
International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL-2013), Toyama, Japan, May 21-24,
2013, pp.284-289.
H. Nakahara, T. Sasao and M. Matsuura, "A machine to evaluate decomposed multi-terminal multi-valued decision diagrams for characteristic functions,"
International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL-2013), Toyama, Japan, May 21-24,
2013, pp.90-95.
T. Sasao, "Forty years of logic synthesis: Memoir,"
RM-2013, May 24, Toyama, Japan.
T. Butler and T. Sasao, "Combinational computing: One object per clock,"
RM-2013, May 24, Toyama, Japan.
T. Sasao, "Cyclic row-shift decompositions for incompletely specified index generation functions,"
IWLS-2013, Austin, Texas, June 8, 2013.
I. Syafalni and T. Sasao,
"On the number of products in prefix SOPs for interval functions,"
IEICE Trans. on Information and systems, Vol. E96-D, No.5, May 2013, pp.1086-1094.
H. Nakahara, T. Sasao, and M. Matsuura, "A virus scanning engine using an MPU and an IGU based on row-shift decomposition," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E96-D, No.8,
Aug. 2013, pp.1667-1675.
H. Nakahara, T. Sasao, and M. Matsuura,
"A Packet Classifier using LUT cascades Based on EVMDDs(k),"
The 23rd International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications
(FPL-2013), Porto, Portugal, Sept. 2-4, 2013,pp.1-6 (CD-ROM).
H. Nakahara, T. Sasao, and M. Matsuura, "A packet classifier using parallel EVMDD(k) machine,"
7th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Multicore SoCs (MCSoC-13), Sept. 2013.
I. Syafalni and T. Sasao,
" A TCAM generator for packet classification,"
The 31st IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD-2013),
Asheville, NC, USA, Oct. 6-9, 2013, pp.322-328.
T. Sasao, Y. Urano, and Y. Iguchi,"A heuristic method to find linear decompositions for incompletely specified index generation functions,"
The 18th workshop on Synthesis and system Integration of Mixed Information
Technologies (SASIMI-2013), Sapporo, Japan, Oct. 21-22, 2013, R3-1, pp.143-148.
(Outsanding Paper Award)
I. Syafalni and T. Sasao," A fast simplification algorithm for packet classification,"
The 18th workshop on Synthesis and system Integration of Mixed Information
Technologies (SASIMI-2013), Sapporo, Japan, Oct. 21-22, 2013, R.5-7, pp.328-333.
T. Sasao
" Multiple-valued index generation functions: Reduction of variables by linear transformation,"
Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, Vol. 21, No.5-6, pp.541-559, 2013.