Publication 2002
S. Nagayama, T. Sasao, Y. Iguchi and M. Matsuura,
"Representations of logic functions using QRMDDs,"
32th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic
(ISMVL-2002), Boston, U.S.A,
May 22-24, 2002, pp.261-267.
- T. Sasao, Y. Iguchi and M. Matsuura,
"Comparison of decision diagrams for multiple-output logic functions,"
International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS2002),
New Orleans, Louisiana, June 4-7, 2002, pp.379-384.
- A. Mishchenko and T. Sasao,
"Encoding of Boolean functions and its application to LUT cascade synthesis, "
International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS2002),
New Orleans, Louisiana, June 4-7, 2002, pp.115-120.
- T. Sasao,
"Design methods for multi-rail cascades,"(invited paper)
International Workshop on Boolean Problems (IWBP2002),
Freiberg, Germany, Sept. 19-20, 2002, pp. 123-132.
T. Sasao, M. Matsuura, and Y. Iguchi,
"A design method for irredundant cascades,"
International Symposium on New Paradigm VLSI Computing, Sendai, Japan,
Dec. 12-14, 2002, pp.37-40.
T. Sasao, J.T. Butler, and M. Matsuura,
"Average path length as a paradigm for the fast evaluation of functions
represented by binary decision diagrams,"
International Symposium on New Paradigm VLSI Computing, Sendai, Japan,
Dec. 12-14, 2002, pp.31-36.
M. Matsuura, T. Sasao, J.T. Butler, and Y. Iguchi,
"Bi-partition of shared binary decision diagrams,"
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics,
Vol.E85-A, No.12, Dec. 2002, pp.2693-2700.
C. Moraga, T. Sasao, and R. Stankovic,
"A unifying approach to edge-valued and arithmetic transform decision diagrams,"
Automation and Remote Control, Vol. 63, No. 1, 2002, pp 125-138.