Advance Programme 
                              of IFIP WG 10.5 
                       Workshop on Applications of the 
                           Reed-Muller Expansion 
                             in Circuit Design 

                             Hamburg, Germany

                           September 16-17, 1993
                      (between t-Workshop and Euro-DAC)

About the Workshop:
This workshop focuses on the application of AND-ExOR expressions like the Reed-
Muller expansions, the Kroenecker expansions, the Exclusive-OR Sum-of-Products 
form (ESOPs) and others to various aspects of circuit design and 

AND-ExOR expressions are representations of Boolean functions using ExOR 
polynomials which are known to be of lower complexity and can lead to easier 
testable implementations than the Sum-of-Products form. The goal of this
workshop is to bring together researchers to discuss new approaches in 
efficient minimization algorithms for AND-ExOR expressions, and to compare
OR-based with EXOR-based representations.

The Program Committee selected 26 papers. These will be presented in 5 
sessions. A session will take 2 hours, 1 hour for 4 oral presentations 
taking 15 minutes each, and one hour for a poster session. During this poster 
session each speaker will present his ideas on an additional poster, to allow 
extended discussions. Also one poster-only presentation will take place during
each poster session.

The workshop will be held at the University Hamburg, Library of the
Dept. of Chemistry (Building No. 32), Martin-Luther-King-Pl. 6, 
near the Congress Center Hamburg.

This workshop is sponsored by IFIP 10.5.

For Information about this workshop please contact:
        Prof. W. Rosenstiel
        Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut fuer Informatik
        Sand 13
        72076 Tuebingen
        Phone ++49-7071-295482  Fax ++49-7071-610399

Program and Organization Committee:
        - U. Kebschull          University of Tuebingen, Germany
        - M. A. Perkowski       Portland State University, USA
        - R. Rudell             Synopsys Corp. , USA
        - T. Sasao              Kyushu Inst. of Technology , Japan
        - J. Saul               University of Bristol, UK
        - E. Schubert           University of Tuebingen, Germany

A handout will be distributed to the workshop participants.

Registration Information:

Workshop fees: 
Advance registration (Until August 15)  DM 200,-
Late registration (After August 15)     DM 250,-

The above fees include admission to all workshop events Thursday thru Friday, 
Lunch on Thursday and Friday and the Thursday Conference Dinner, and a handout.

Special rates available on site only:
Students  DM 60,-
Students must register at-conference and must present a valid Student 
Identification. Student registration includes lunch and a handout, it does not
include the Conference Dinner.

Important registration instructions:
1.      Full payment in Deutsch Marks or a copy of the bank transfer MUST 
        accompany registration. 
2.      To qualify for the lower rate, all Advance Registrations must be 
        postmarked no later than August 15. 
3.      Register one person per form (copy adjacent form as needed). 
4.      Payment must be made in Deutsch Marks (free of any bank transfer 
        charges) either by check made payable to "Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut" 
        or by transfer to account Number 67340008 at Volksbank Ammerbuch, 
        BLZ 64161397 and made payable to "Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut". 
5.      Please use the keyword "IFIP-Reed-Muller-Workshop" for payment!
6.      Telephone registrations will not be accepted.

Hotel Reservations:

Following hotels will accept your reservations until August 15: 

        Hotel Am Holstenwall
                Phone: ++49-40-314051, Fax: ++49-40-316264
                single room: DM 192,-   double room: DM 268,-
        Hotel Baseler Hof
                Phone: ++49-40-359060, Fax: ++49-40-35906918
                single room: DM 145,-
        Motel Hamburg
                Phone: ++49-40-4204141, Fax: ++49-40-4229905
                single room: DM 130,-

All these hotels are within 2km distance from the workshop location. Please do
your reservations on your own with keyword "Reed-Muller-Workshop". 
Reservations can be done for the workshop and the period of Euro-DAC. After 
August 15 room reservations will be very difficult!

Technical Program:

Thursday,  16 September, 1993

9.00-11.00      Session A: OR- vs. EXOR-based representations   (W. Rosenstiel)
        A1      - Towards a Mixed Exclusive-/Inclusive-OR Factored Form, 
                  J. Saul
        A2      - The Complexity of Mod-2 Sum PLA's for Symmetric Functions
                  U. Rollwage
        A3      - How much ExOR Improves on OR?
                  C. Damm
        A4      - Minimization of AND-ExOR expressions
                  B. Steinbach, and G. Kempe
        A5      - XOR Canonical Forms of Switching Functions  (Poster)
                  M.A. Perkowski, A. Sarabi, and F.R. Beyl
        A6      - Reed-Muller Integrated Research/Teaching/Design Environment 
                  (Demo Presentation)
                  M.J. Perkowski

11.00-11.15     Coffee Break

11.15-13.15     Session B: Logic Synthesis Methods (T. Sasao)
        B1      - Multilevel Logic Synthesis for Cellular FPGAs Based on 
                  Orthogonal  Expansions
                  I. Schaefer, M.A. Perkowski, and H. Wu.
        B2      - A Fundamental Theorem for EXOR Circuits
                  M.A. Perkowski
        B3      - Synthesis of Multi-level Reed Muller Circuits using Matrix  
                  G. Lee, J.-Y. Chang, T.T. Hwang, Mary J. Irwin, and
                  Robert M. Owens
        B4      - Optimization of the Reed-Muller Exclusive-OR Expansions with
                  Mixed  Polarity for Completely and Incompletely 
                  Specified Functions
                  M.K. Habib
        B5      - A Numerical Method for Reed-Muller Circuit Synthesis (Poster)
                  M.A. Thornton and V.S.S. Nair

13.15-15.00     Lunch Break

15.00-17.00     Session C: Theoretical studies (M.A. Perkowski)
        C1      - Fast Walsh Transform Computation with Binary Decision Diagram
                E.M. Clarke, X. Zhao, M. Fujita, and Y. Matsunaga
        C2      - Spectral Transforms for Large Boolean Functions with
                  Applications to  Technology Mapping
                  E.M. Clarke, K.L. McMillan, X. Zhao, and M. Fujita
        C3      - An Exact Minimization of AND-EXOR Expressions Using BDDs
                  T. Sasao
        C4      - LP Characteristic Vector of Logic Functions
                  N. Koda and T. Sasao
        C5      - Multilevel Logic Minimization Using K-map XOR Patterns 
                  R.F. Tinder
        C6      - Estimations of Shennon's Function for Polarity Reed-Muller 
                  Expressions (Poster)
                  V. Suprun

Friday, 17 september, 1993

9.00-11.00      Session D: Testability Aspects (J. Saul)
        D1      - Rapid Prototyping of Fully Testable Multi-Level AND/ExOR
                  R. Drechsler and B. Becker
        D2      - Testability of a Class of Multi-level Reed Muller Circuits
                  G. Lee, M. Hwang, Mary Jane Irwin, and Robert M. Owens
        D3      - Minimization of Parity-Checked Fault-Secure AND/EXOR Networks
                  M. Eggerstedt, N. Hendrich, and K. von der Heide
        D4      - Design for Testability Properties of AND/XOR Networks
                  A. Sarabi and M.A. Perkowski.
        D5      - An Approach to PLA Test Pattern Generation Using Reed-Muller
                  Networks (Poster)
                  M. Riege and W. Anheier

11.00-11.15     Coffee Break

11.15-13.00     Session E: Graph-based Representations (M. Fujita)
        E1      - On the Implementation of a Package for Efficient 
                  Representation and Manipulation of Functional Decision 
                  B. Becker, R. Drechsler, and M. Theobald
        E2      - Mod-2-OBBDs -- a Generalization of OBDDs and EXOR-Sum-of-
                  J. Gergov and C. Meinel
        E3      - Some Optimizations for Functional Decision Diagrams
                  E. Schubert, U. Kebschull, and W. Rosenstiel
        E4      - Reed-Muller Binary Decision Diagrams (Poster)
                  L. McKenzie, L. Xu, and A.E.A. Almaini

13.00   Closing Session & Lunch

IFIP WG 10.5 
Workshop on Applications of the 
Reed-Muller Expansion 
in Circuit Design 

Registration Form

To register, mail this form or a copy of this form with payment to:
        Technische Informatik
        Sand 13
        72076 Tuebingen
        (Fax: ++49-7071-610399)

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(Please type or print clearly, this information will be used to print your 
identification badge!)

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Prename         __________________________________________

Company         __________________________________________

Mail Stop       __________________________________________

Street Address  __________________________________________

Postal Code     __________________________________________

Country         __________________________________________

Phone Number    __________________________________________

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Hotel Reservation

Name                    ________________________________

Prename                 ________________________________

Company                 ________________________________

Mail Stop               ________________________________

Street Address          ________________________________

Postal Code             ________________________________

Country                 ________________________________

Phone Number            ________________________________

Fax Number              ________________________________

Arrival (Date & Time)   ________________________________

Departure (Date & Time) ________________________________

Signature               ________________________________

Send this reservation directly to your hotel!
Keep in mind the deadline for reservation:
        August 15.